Dear Mr. President, There are too many states nowadays. Please, eliminate three. P.S. I am not a crackpot.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bart the Genius

Season 1
Episode 2

Love your family even if they aren't geniuses

Always make sure to keep a spare genius lying around

Homer: I'm just saying, why not have two geniuses in the family? Sort of a spare in case Bart's brain blows up.

If you're afraid your dad is going to strangle you, then lock yourself in a room

Homer: You can't stay in there forever!
Bart: I can try!

Just because you're bored in class, does not mean you're a genius

Einstein invented the light bulb

Homer: Don't be discouraged, son. I bet Einstein turned himself all sorts of colors before he invented the light bulb.

Everyone hates the tattletale-ing nerd

Martin Prince: Principal Skinner, one of my fellow children is vandalizing school property.

Math jokes are not funny and just stupid
Ms. Mellon: Well don't you get it Bart? Derivative DY equals 3R squared, DR over three or R squared, DR or RDRR.
[Ms. Melon does a jig dance]
Ms. Mellon: Hardy-har-har. Get it?

Oh clever word play

Lisa Simpson: [Lisa places an I on top of the D in do] Id, triple word score!
Homer: Hey, no abbreviations.
Lisa Simpson: Not I.D. dad id! It's a word!
Bart: As in this game is stupid.

Sometimes you just know things about your kids

Homer: What do we need a psychiatrist for? We know our kid is nuts.

If you're going to fail an IQ Test, take the one of the smartest person in class
Pro tip, obviously.

If you're going to fail scrabble, invent your own species
Bart: Kwyjibo: K-W-Y-J-I-B-O. Twenty-two points. Plus, triple-word score, plus fifty points for using all my letters... Game's over, I'm outta here.
Homer: Wait a minute, you little cheater. You're not going anywhere 'til you tell me what a Kwyjibo is.
Bart: Kwyjibo. Uh, a big dumb, balding North American ape. With no chin.
Homer: I'll show you a big dumb balding ape!
Bart: Uh oh, Kwyjibo on the loose!

Here you go!
(The HIMYM post will finally be up on Wednesday!)


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